Why Your Self-Worth Matters In a Relationship

The way you see and picture yourself really matters.

Because that’s the same way you’ll be seen and approached by others.

That’s why you have to be in the right frame before you approach dating.

They’re voices coming from within you where you feel less than good enough…

Where you feel helpless and powerless to create the results you desire in your love life.

Where you feel no one can love you.

Or you blame yourself for everything and anything that happens.

All these are the traits of a wounded feminine.

And it will keep affecting you in all your relationships.

Fine, you might have experienced different bad relationships in the past.

Where you were heartbroken that you had your trust broken

But that shouldn’t stop you from loving yourself the right way…

And seeing the beauty that you possess while you bring out the confidence in you.

Because your self-worth and self-love are important to bring out the real you.

Only then will you attract the one that will value you and won’t look down on you.

But first, you have to love yourself by understanding how worthy you are.

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