What does it mean to live a Soft Life?

You must have seen this trending on social media: the term “soft life” especially with people displaying soft life as showing off a whole stack of money, fancy cars, Boujie houses, trips, clothes, jewelry, and more.

The truth is, soft life doesn’t have to do with any of all that. Those are just surface-level.

Living a soft life first begins from deep within as an individual. It starts with your mindset.

Do you have the mindset of living a soft life or a hard life?

Let me break it down.

Living a soft life means deliberately choosing to stop living a life of excessive struggle and pain.

Creating a life of inner peace, happiness, positivity, minimal stress, well-being, and enriching relationships

It’s not about living a passive life. It also requires doing the tough things first to create the soft life of your dreams.

You’re living the hard life if you:

Decide to stay in a dating relationship that is emotionally or physically abusive

Don’t prioritize self-care

Hang out with people who are not always leveling up in different areas of their lives

Not embracing your femininity as a woman in your love life

Not choosing to create new income streams

Not investing in your spiritual, business, and personal development by reading books and taking courses

Trying to do everything by yourself without asking for help

Not being open to evolving and growing

Not knowing how to forgive fast and let go of past pain

Trying to please everyone

Entrapped by the hustle culture of working 24/7 without resting

Still holding on to fears that are blocking your blessings in life, love, and business

Always seek external validation concerning EVERY aspect of your life

Being desperate for love and Chasing men

Choosing to marry an emotionally unhealthy partner

You’re living a soft life if you:

Handling life issues from a place of Crystal clarity and rest

Setting standards and boundaries to give you peace of mind

Automating your business and hiring out as much as possible

Understanding your emotions and taking care of your mental health

Actively learning from past mistakes and choosing to be better

Clearing distractions so you can focus on and finish one task at a time

Developing a daily attitude of gratitude

Learning to feel worthy of the wealth and love you desire

Remember, you have to do the tough things first in order to step into your soft life.



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