The Dollar Income Workshop

I remember when I started my online business several years ago in Nigeria.

It was tough, considering I was complete. newbie in the online game.

No tech skills whatever.

I still went ahead to write my first copy,

Create my first funnel

Create my first course

get my first paying clients

The next question that came to mind was: How do I get clients from different parts of the world to pay me on my website?

I knew deep within that I was ready to start earning in dollars, having already gotten my first 1,000 paying course clients in Nigeria.

My friend Ken Nwakanma and I created a brand new class called the Dollar Income Workshop, where we take a deep dive into how you can set up your dollar-generating online business from scratch even if you live anywhere in Africa.

So, if you’re ready to get started, click the button below!


or to participate.