How to let go of that Nice girl Energy and unleash Your Hidden Bad Gurl

There’s absolutely nothing wrong with being a nice girl.

However, when a girl is too nice. Sorry, scratch that. When you’re a people pleaser, you will fundamentally get your heart broken over and over again.

People will take you for granted, use and misuse you. Eat you and spit you out. Walk All over you. It’s just the cold world we’re living in. And if you want to be rich, you can’t be a people pleaser.

The side effect of being a people pleaser is that you will start dealing with unnecessary feelings of rejection, anger, and resentment you wouldn’t have to deal with if you just knew how to set boundaries of what you allow and don’t allow from the start. And the nice girl simply just suppressed her bad girl energy.

If this is you, today is your day of redemption, it’s time to kill that Nice girl energy.

In the Nice Girl’s Dictionary, her greatest sin is saying the word “No”

No to immature Men’s silly advances.

No to sex especially when she doesn’t want to

No to giving her man money all the time

The Extra Nice girl doesn’t know how to receive help and she loves to reject herself for others because deep within she feels she doesn’t deserve love or even money. Until she wakes up to know her power and worth, she will start to have self-respect and even gain some respect from others.

Guess what? “No” will be her regularly used word in the dictionary. She will know how and when to help others with effective boundaries set in place.

If you want to learn how to create Magnetic Boundaries and Guilt-free ways to say No so you don’t overextend yourself, click here to join the Captivating Woman 


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