Can a woman truly have it all?

How can a woman have it all?

And how can she balance it all?

Being a good lover

A good Mother

Entrepreneur/Career Woman

A fun and playful friend

A woman of wisdom

And all.

Many of us saw our parents stay in a “loveless” marriage just because of “the kids” or because of “what will society say” without even having to seek knowledge on what’s truly happening to them and how to make it work.

The truth is seeing a parent in a loveless marriage or even bad parenting does affect the kids in the long run. Sad part is, kids may not even know how it’s affecting them.

Today, there’s so much acid in the dating pool. People date multiple people looking for “love” or “the one”. People cheat in marriage simply because they are “falling out of love”. There are so many broken people out there, hurting other people simply because they are not ready to heal their dark sides.

Then there’s a group that stays in toxic situationships because they simple do not know how to recognize healthy love and are afraid that they can’t find better out there.

Building a love life is work

You have to understand your partner’s traumas, emotions, and behaviors, set boundaries, communicate effectively, maintain emotional attraction, deal with conflicts and wounded emotions, have consistent date nights and holidays, have a great sex life, be able to inspire your partner to do big stuff, deal with in-laws, have to love yourself and the other person too, plus more.

It’s a lot of work

Then being a mother is another mountain on its own.

Having to wake up early to take care of the kids, feed them, take them to school, train them, develop their personalities, teach them how to recognize and deal with their emotions, instill confidence and morals, take them on holidays, listen to their never-ending needs, be a good homemaker, and more.

Coupled with work life

Having to deal with either managing the daily activities and team in your business or deal with the never ending demands of your boss (it becomes worse if your boss doesn’t have a good personality), working daily to hit targets, building a business empire, and more.

Then her personal development

Having to read books, take courses to develop in areas she feels needed. Learning to be confident in your skin.

And if she has a good partner who is willing to learn, grow with her, and lead her emotionally, spiritually, financially, and more, it will make her life easier.

So can a woman have it all?

I believe a woman can have it all if she has a high willingness to learn and is ready to deal with her wounded emotions, build a solid identity and learn new behaviors.

Creating a balance in all areas of your life is key because you don’t want one aspect of your life to die at the expense of another.

When she finally steps into the power she becomes a woman and becomes emotionally mature so she can effectively show up in different roles when needed, she can have it all.

It may be difficult and not perfect but it can be done

P.S. If I ever try to change my mind in the future, I will come back to read this.

Catch y’all later!


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