Are you being love-bombed? Here’s how to know

Here, we are discussing 7 ways to know you’re being love-bombed in a new relationship.

This is super important to know, so you can spare yourself unnecessary heartbreak once you know how to spot these warning signs.

#1: Too many calls and texts during the day

At the beginning of a new spicy relationship, you can be on long calls with him or get sugar-coated texts from him from morning to night daily.

In the long run, this is not good for you emotionally. Plus, this would kill the attraction in the relationship.

Men who love you claim to be attracted to you, but keep in mind that no one can fall in love with you that fast when you don’t know enough about this person. Remember, it takes time to truly know a person.

#2: Calling you “His Wife” when he barely knows you.

I don’t think you can tell after just a few dates that someone is your spouse.

This is a warning sign when a man tells you right away that you are his wife or starts telling you how much he loves you on the first date. This is another way to know he’s love-bombing you.

#3: He Desires to get committed too fast

An emotionally healthy man would never desire to enter into a committed relationship with a woman after just a few dates.

However, this is now another sign of being love-bombed; it would be extremely unhealthy if someone wanted to get committed right away.

When a man acts in this way too soon, he is suffering from an unhealthy inclination to isolate and eventually discard you.

Attempting to date a woman in this way is not real.

#4: Extravagant Display of Love

It makes perfect sense that an emotionally healthy man would want to treat you with love and kindness. However, extravagant displays of love made very early on is another way to spot a love bomb. It’s precisely “too much, too soon.” 

Furthermore, he will almost certainly use all the things he has done for you as a reason to make you feel guilty or obligated to him. So watch out!

#5: Exaggerated Compliments

One of the first ways to know you’re being love-bombed is when he gives you exaggerated compliments early on in the relationship. I mean, there’s nothing wrong with receiving compliments, but when it’s to the extreme, it’s a warning sign for you.

On your first date, he will tell you that you’re the most gorgeous woman he’s ever seen, that your smile just lifts his spirits, and that your eyes are the most beautiful thing he’s ever seen in his life. Or maybe you’re the butter on his bread, the sugar in his tea, his missing rib… This is all too much early on.

You may feel on top of the world, especially if he’s an attractive, high-profile man. Alternatively, if you have a stronger sense of intuition, you’d be able to spot it right away.


#6: When he’s Being too Controlling

Even intelligent, accomplished women can fall for men who love bomb them. The goal of men who love bombs is to control you, and this is really unhealthy. An emotionally healthy man knows how to lead properly in love so you both can truly blossom

Learning how to spot the warning signs will help you avoid entering an emotionally abusive relationship.

#7: Deception

Whenever I look around, I see a lot of women who are having difficulty in relationships and lack the knowledge and ability to distinguish between healthy and unhealthy relationships. So, I do believe a love bomber has the ability to deceive you.

To knock you flat and make you obedient to his wishes, he carefully plans the high intensity, romantic gestures, and sweet talks so you can fall fast and hard.

Want more?

I share more ways to identify love bombing in the captivating woman program here.


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